How to make money by Blogging

To start your own blogging business you need to find answers of few questions:

1. What to blog about?

2. How to promote your business?

3. How to start making money from your blog?

4. How to boost advertising revenue?

5. How to benefit from other Revenue Streams?

Plan to write your blog in a tone appropriate to your blog topic. The most important part of any blog is what you have to say and how you say it. People will return to your blog if the subject you write about and the style in which you write it appeals to them.

And if you write well….The good news is you can also make handsome money from your Blogging Skills. Here are some tips for you to make money by blogging:

1. Choose a niche market and domain name. If you’re setting up a blog with the intention of making money, you need to find a profitable niche.

2. Use strategies to drive traffic to your blog such as Email Marketing. Send emails to your contacts who might be interested in your blog and suggest that they forward your link to their contacts.

3. Optimize your site for search engines to increase you chnaces to get visited & attract more traffic. You can also drive more traffic to your blog using some of the social networking sites such as Twitter, facebook, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit

4. Post relevant comments on related blogs for exposure to those readers.

5. Promote your blog using “Yahoo! Answer” as a great idea of utilizing that facility to drive traffic to your blog.

6. Sign-up for “Pay Per Click” with sites where you get paid for visitors on your site clicking on other peoples’ ads to be redirected to that other site. For example: Google’s Adsense program: Google will read your article that you write and find “ads that are relevant” to it and display them next to or within the article. Having very relevant ads, can be of benefit to the readers, too.

7. Do affiliate marketing selling someone else’s products.


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