Let’s Explore GitHub

What is GitHub?

GitHub is a web-based hosting platform for Git repositories. Git is a popular version control system that’s widely used among programmers and developers for developing and maintaining code. A GitHub is built on top of Git, and it allows you to have both local and remote copies of your projects.

GitHub Features

GitHub have lots of features but it is really good for:

  1. GitHub Version Control – It helps you keep your code clean and well maintained. As you go through your project, you can save different version of your project. It allows you to revert back to any version or look back through the history of the project.
  2. Publishing Projects – You can publish your projects on GitHub. Similarly, you can also see projects published by others. You can download these projects and customize it according to your needs. So it’s really good for publishing projects that you want to make available as open source to the public.
  3. Collaboration with Teams – If you have developers or designers that are working with you on any project, you can use this as a hub and all of you can contribute to same project.

Creating a GitHub Account

Creating a GitHub account is very simple and is indeed free. But you’ll also notice from the screen that there are some paid plans, as well. If you don’t mind everything that you’re doing being public, then the free plan is all you need. This account will allow you to use all great features provided by GitHub.

Want to explore more about GitHub, Check out  GitHub Training Site

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