Test Automation

Strategies for Writing Feature Files with BDD Mindset

Strategies for Writing Feature Files with BDD Mindset

Develop BDD Mindset: The most important thing before you dive into writing a feature file is to develop a Behavior Driven Mindset. Without BDD mindset, people fall into writing feature files that are like traditional procedure-driven functional tests with step-by-step instructions. Writing long scenarios with lots of incidental details ruins a good story. But at the same time the scenario shouldn’t be… Read more →

Must Know Resources for Test Automation Professionals

Must Know Resources for Test Automation Professionals

Web Sites/Blogs: Learn the Basics Software Testing Help – A software testing blog with in-depth tutorials on manual and automation testing. Guru99 – A good learning resource with lots of free tutorial. Tutorial Point – This site presents an opportunity to learn Software Testing starting from basic to advanced concepts. Go beyond the Basics: OnTestAutomation – A blog by Bas Dijkstra who believes that Test automation is a… Read more →

Toolset for Test Automation Professional

Toolset for Test Automation Professional

The most often asked question by those who are willing to enter into Test Automation domain is: Q: What skills a test automation professional should have? Q: Where to start to develop skills to become a test automation developer? Q: What tools I should use to automate applications? There are so many technologies available in the market so it is… Read more →

Writing Test Script that is Easy to Understand & Maintain

Writing Test Script that is Easy to Understand & Maintain

The primary goal of using certain conventions while writing test scripts is to increase clarity & simplicity of source code. Consistency among all projects will allow other developer to understand the code regardless of who developed the code. I like to think the whole program through at a design level before I sit down and write any of the code…. The… Read more →

Understanding XPath to Write Better XPath Locators

Understanding XPath to Write Better XPath Locators

What is XPath? XPath stands for XML Path. It is used for navigation of XML documents and allows selecting individual elements, attributes, or other part of an XML document for specific processing. An XMP path consists of one or more location steps, each separated by a forward slash (/). When you need to search for an element, you need the… Read more →

20 Strategies for Designing Effective Test Automation Scripts

20 Strategies for Designing Effective Test Automation Scripts

Test Automation scripts can turn into a night mare if not written and maintained in an efficient way. If we take care of something small now, it can eliminate bigger problems later. This article offers tips (organized into categories) for writing Automation code which has fewer bugs, is more easily maintained, and takes advantage of some of the most powerful features… Read more →

Lean Thinking & Test Automation

Lean Thinking & Test Automation

LEAN is about being smarter and more cost effective in the project cycle to reduce waste and optimize the processes within the said project. In a time where more and more companies are trying to be leaner, there’s a critical need for teams working with automated tests to dive in to the Lean mindset when they’re thinking about their automated… Read more →

Guidelines to Analyze Candidate Test Cases for Automation

Guidelines to Analyze Candidate Test Cases for Automation

Here are few guidelines that can help you make a rational decision while selecting a test case for automation: What to Automate?   Repetitive / Important – Test cases those are repetitive & relatively unchanging. Check if the test case is going to be tested all the time / most of the time? – This also gives an indication of… Read more →